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Discover Supplement-Drug Interactions

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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Vitamin A and Collagenases


Vitamin A

Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

The chapter discusses two classes of compounds that inhibit the synthesis of collagenase : the glucocorticoid hormones and the vitamin A analogs—that is, retinoids.
Methods in enzymology  •  1990  |  View Paper
Vitamin A and 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol increased the production of collagenase and reduced that of inhibitor.
Calcified Tissue International  •  2006  |  View Paper
Activation of the latent … number of compounds influence collagenase synthesis in these cell~.l-~ Cytokines such as interleukin-la and +, tumor necrosis factor-a, polypeptide growth factors such as … phorbol esters increase MMP-1 synthesis, whereas compounds such as transforming growth factor+ (TGF-P), glucocorticoid hormones, and vitamin A ….’”
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences  •  1994  |  View Paper