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“Treatment of erythrocytes with Clostridium perfringens sialidase or trypsin increased four-fold the activity toward rabbit erythrocytes and positive agglutination for human A and B erythrocytes, suggesting the presence of FVIII/VWF-cryptic receptors in these erythrocytes.”
Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Microbiology • 1987 | View Paper
“ Trypsin digestion considerably reduced the ability of pig and bovine transferrins to donate iron to rabbit reticulocytes, slightly reduced the iron-donating ability of rabbit transferrin, and had almost no effect on that of human or horse transferrins.”
“Activation of rabbit Hageman factor with trypsin resulted in cleavage of the molecule into three fragments, each of 30,000 mol wt as noted previously.”
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine • 1971 | View Paper
“Abstract Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases from rabbit muscle, yeast and Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were inactivated by trypsin at 25 ° to the extent of 4, 25, and 46%, respectively.”