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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Thiamine Pyrophosphate and Pyruvic Acid

Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

Normal pyruvic acid metabolism requires … only cocarboxylase and other co-enzymes but also the integrity of the enzyme protein; it may be that in diabetic acidosis the protein … of the enzyme system is inhibited or partially inactivated as it is in sodium arsenite poisoning (Peters, Sinclair, and Thompson, 1946).
British medical journal  •  1951  |  View Paper
Thiamine pyrophosphate is an essential cofactor in the decarboxylation of many alpha-keto acids and this was reflected in elevated values not only of pyruvic acid but of glyoxylic, alpha-keto glutaric, phenyl pyruvic and hydroxyphenyl pyruvic acids in the CCN cases.
Veterinary Record  •  1981  |  View Paper
Lack of incorporation of 14CO2 into the carboxyl carbon of α-ketoisovalerate suggests that an intermediary complex of thiamine pyrophosphate with the α-keto acid substrate rather than its decarboxylated product, the corresponding aldehyde, is involved in this oxidative decarboxylation.
The Journal of biological chemistry  •  1969  |  View Paper
thiamine pyrophosphate (cocarboxylase) plays such a prominent role in the decarboxylation of pyruvic acid in the alcohol fermentation and since production of ethyl alcohol and CO2 are the major activities of the yeast cell, the abstraction of thiamine from the medium seems a logical response to these metabolic activities.
Journal of bacteriology  •  1949  |  View Paper