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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Ovalbumin and Cromolyn



Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

Given orally, SCG is reported to reduce absorption of ovalbumin (11) and a-lactoalbumin (12), circulating immunocomplexes after food ingestion (13) and intestinal permeability to sugars (14).
Allergy  •  1989  |  View Paper
DSCG dose-dependently inhibited the active systemic anaphylactic reaction and serum immunoglobulin(Ig)E production induced by immunization with ovalbumin , Bordetella pertussis toxin and aluminum hydroxide gel.
Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology  •  2001  |  View Paper
2 SCG (1 mg/kg administered intravenously) reduced the anaphylactic response in animals sensitized with 1 μg ovalbumin ( OA ) together with Al(OH)3 100 mg, and challenged at 14 and 40 days after sensitization.
British journal of pharmacology  •  1980  |  View Paper