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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Naltrexone and Yohimbine



Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

Anxiety and somatic symptoms were greater after yohimbine than placebo, and were potentiated by naltrexone.
Together, the findings suggest that adding naltrexone to yohimbine potentiated anxiety and blocked inhibitory influences of high-frequency electrical stimulation on electrically evoked sensations and startle responses.
Yohimbine with naltrexone , but not yohimbine alone, also blocked an inhibitory effect of high-frequency electrical stimulation on electrically evoked sharp sensations and R3.
Journal of psychopharmacology  •  2017  |  View Paper
Unlike yohimbine alone, the naltrexone with yohimbine combination blocked analgesia evoked by HFS in the ipsilateral forehead to blunt pressure, and opposed the ipsilateral inhibitory effect of pain in the temple on electrically-evoked pain at the HFS-treated site in the forearm.
The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society  •  2016  |  View Paper
The combination of 120 mg of naltrexone hydrochloride and 6.5 mg of yohimbine hydrochloride provided rapid and complete reversal (1.9±1.1 min) of carfentanil/xylazine immobilization.
Journal of wildlife diseases  •  2003  |  View Paper