“Exposure to GEN also increased the number of splenic B cells ( L ), macrophages (L and M), T cells (H), helper T cells (L and H), and cytotoxic T cells (M and H).”
“Furthermore, exposure to GEN increased the number of splenic B cells (H), T cells ( L , M, and H), and T-cell subsets (L, M, and H).”
“In F(1) females, exposure to GEN produced a decrease in terminal body weight (H), with an increase in the relative weight of spleen ( L , M, and H).”
“In F(1) males, exposure to GEN gestationally, lactationally, and through feed from Postnatal Days 22 to 64 (total 78 days) produced an increase in the relative weights (% body) of spleen (L and H) and thymus ( L).”