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“Also, ketanserin further increased FBF after vasodilation of reflexly vasoconstricted fingers by the alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist, yohimbine , and phentolamine increased FBF during ketanserin infusions.”
The American journal of physiology • 1988 | View Paper
“On a background of treatment with the α2-adrenoceptors blocker yohimbine (0.5 mg/kg), mianserin, cyproheptadine, and ketanserin inhibited movement activity and significantly reduced the sensitivity of animals to audiogenic convulsions.”
Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology • 2006 | View Paper
“… ketanserin … yohimbine or rauwolscine antagonized the 5HT effects as expected from competition of all 4 drugs for a single class of receptors in pulmonary arteries.5.… low (≤ 10−7 mol/l) in humans to account for a contribution of the metabolite to the blockade of 5HT effects by ketanserin.”
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology • 2004 | View Paper
“Combinations of rauwolscine or yohimbine with ketanserin antagonized the 5 HT effects as expected from competition of the 4 drugs for a single class of receptor.4.The evidence is consistent with an interaction of 5 HT, ketanserin, rauwolscine and yohimbine with 5 HT2 receptors.”
“The responses after 5HT and NA stimulation were blocked to baseline levels after exposure to ketanserin (5HT2 receptor antagonist) and a combination of prazosin, yohimbine , and propranolol (α1, α2, and β adrenoceptor antagonists, respectively).”
“Thus, the abilities of yohimbine to inhibit and ketanserin to abolish cyclic flow reductions in stenosed canine coronary arteries suggest that serotonin and, possibly, alpha 2-adrenergic agonists may influence cyclic flow alterations importantly in this model.”