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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Interferons and Melatonin



Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

Melatonin not only stimulates the production of natural killer cells, monocytes and leukocytes, but also alters the balance of T helper (Th)-1 and … cells mainly towards Th-1 responses and increases the production of relevant cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6, IL-12 and interferon-γ.
Neuroimmunomodulation  •  2008  |  View Paper
On the other hand, lymphokines such as ‐γ‐interferon and interleukin‐2 as well as thymic hormones can modulate the synthesis of melatonin in the pineal gland.
Journal of pineal research  •  1993  |  View Paper
It has been shown that plasma melatonin and possibly cortisol mainly regulate the diurnal variation of interferon F and interleukin 10 (IL-10), respectively.
Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases  •  2014  |  View Paper
These results provide further evidence for an interaction between melatonin and the immune system and suggest that the effect of melatonin on production of IFN and TNF may be mediated by various factors not yet fully understood.
Journal of pineal research  •  1994  |  View Paper
The results showed that melatonin preferentially downregulated interferon regulatory factors (IRFs) and signal transducers and activators of transcription (STATs) related signaling.
Biochemical and biophysical research communications  •  2017  |  View Paper
Melatonin was able to partially counteract the increase in LPS‐induced pro‐inflammatory cytokine levels such as tumor necrosis factor‐α, IL‐12 and interferon‐γ at the local site of injection, while it increased the production of the anti‐inflammatory cytokine IL‐10 both locally and systemically.
Journal of pineal research  •  2005  |  View Paper
melatonin up-regulated the level of gene expression of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF), tumor necrosis …) and stem cell factor (SCF) in PEC, and the level of gene expression of interleukin-1β (IL-1β), M-CSF, TNF-α, interferon-γ (IFN-… splenocytes.
Journal of Neural Transmission  •  2001  |  View Paper
At 50 units/ml, IFN‐γ increased the melatonin content over the ISO‐stimulated level in the pineal but not in the media.
IFN‐γ alone, at 1,000 units/ml, also increased the melatonin content significantly over the control level.
The results suggest that IFN‐γ enhances melatonin production in the pineal gland by suppressing the oxidative deamination of 5HT to 5HIAA and shunting the biosynthetic pathway toward melatonin production.
Journal of pineal research  •  1990  |  View Paper