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“Importantly, CsA exposure to IFNγ pre-stimulated MSC before administration, significantly enhanced the potency of MSCs in a human relevant humanised mouse model of acute Graft versus Host Disease.”
Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy • 2015 | View Paper
“For both T and B cells, MSC co-colture induced a statistically significant increase in IL-10 and TGFβ and decrease of GM-CSF and IFNγ , as compared with MV incubation.”
“In vitro, IFNγ significantly increased MSC proliferation, a response mediated by Shh that was blocked by 5E1 antibody.”
“The MSC population collected from bone marrow of PBS- or IFNγ-treated mice showed that IFNγ significantly increased the percentage of all MSC cell lines in S phase, with the exception of the stMSCsShhKO cells.”
“We tested the hypothesis that IFNγ drives MSC proliferation and recruitment, a response mediated by Shh signaling.”
“In a related article, Liu et al. investigated how interferon-gamma IFN-γ ) treatment can influence the metabolic state of MSC to promote immunomodulatory properties [5].”