“In another group of anesthetized dogs … implanted catheters the administration of fat emulsion … heparin was accompanied by more than a two-fold rise in the concentration of SLI in the venous effluent … the pancreas and of the gastric fundus and antrum in association with an elevation of FFA levels.”
“In … dogs fat emulsion … heparin raised FFA from a mean base-line level of 1.2+/-0.2 to 1.6+/-0.3 meq/liter (P < 0.… a mean base-line level of 185+/-9 pg/ml to a peak value of 310+/-44 pg/ml (P < 0.01).”
“… heparin … fat emulsion elevated FFA levels from a mean (+/-SE) base-line level of 0.7+/-0.1 meq/liter to a peak value of 1.… from a mean (+/-SE) base-line value of 145+/-7 pg/ml to a peak of 253+/-44 pg/ml (P < 0.05).”