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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Glycine and Methionine





Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

The catabolism of unused methionine increases the demand for glycine and may cause a deficiency.
The Journal of nutrition  •  2006  |  View Paper
The plasma concentrations of glycine and serine increased in the Indian women after methionine (in juice) load.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition  •  2016  |  View Paper
The calculated docking interaction energy between a single mutation from methionine to either arginine or glycine has shown the improved binding affinity, contributed from the electrostatic interaction with the negative favorably interaction energy, compared to the wild type.
BioMed research international  •  2013  |  View Paper
RESULTS:Mutation of the α1 subunit TM2 serine residue to either isoleucine or methionine decreased the sensitivity of the receptor to glycine , and abolished the direct activation of the glycine receptor by propofol.
Anesthesia and analgesia  •  2008  |  View Paper
Glycine is consumed in the detoxification of excess methionine, and supplementation with methionine appeared to place a competitive demand on the availability of glycine for other metabolic processes.
The Journal of nutrition  •  1998  |  View Paper
Studies with cell-free extracts demonstrated that the glycine cleavage enzyme is inhibited by 45% by L-methionine , L-homocysteine, SAM or SAH.
These findings suggest that when levels of L-methionine metabolites are elevated, there is an increase in the use of glycine to maintain the intracellular concentration of serine, which is required for homocysteine detoxification by conversion to cystathionine.
Biochimica et biophysica acta  •  1990  |  View Paper
Successful treatment has not been reported, though administration of sodium benzoate (to remove glycine by conjugation) or of methionine (to increase the supply of Ci-units) or by dietary restriction of glycine and serine can produce a temporary reduction in plasma glycine (Nyhan, 1974).
Annals of clinical biochemistry  •  1977  |  View Paper
Glycine can mitigate methionine toxicity, and a small prior study has suggested that supplemental glycine could extend lifespan of Fischer 344 rats.
Aging cell  •  2019  |  View Paper
There was a linear increase in concentrations of tyrosine, valine, glycine and serine as dietary DLM supplementation level increased.
Animal science journal = Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho  •  2017  |  View Paper
The hyperhomocysteinemia induced by a dietary addition of 1% methionine was significantly suppressed by the concurrent addition of 1% glycine or 1.4% serine to the same degree.
The hyperhomocysteinemia induced by an intraperitoneal injection with methionine was also suppressed by concurrent injection with glycine or serine, although the effect of serine was significantly greater than that of glycine.
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry  •  2006  |  View Paper
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