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“In this situation, the concentrations of Gln and Leu in tumor tissue and the surrounding healthy urinary bladder tissue correlated highly significantly and negatively (r = -0.95).”
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology • 2011 | View Paper
“Although the addition to pancreatic islets of glutamine alone—which by its conversion to glutamate enormously increases the intracellular concentration of glutamate—does not stimulate insulin release, adding glutamine in the presence of leucine or BCH causes a robust stimulation of insulin release.”
“ Glutamine flux out of the dominant forearm increased threefold after the ingestion of the leucine meal and increased eightfold over base line after exercise.”
The Journal of clinical investigation • 1981 | View Paper
“BACKGROUND Enhanced glutamine GLN ) intake may affect the catabolism of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs; valine, leucine , and isoleucine), which play a regulatory role in protein turnover.”
“Net utilization of lysine, leucine , valine, ornithine and serine by jejunal or ileal mixed bacteria decreased with the addition of glutamine in a concentration-dependent manner.”