“After 12 weeks of treatment, oral glucose loading resulted in mean BP reductions of 7 +/- 2 mm Hg (6%, p less than 0.01) and 4 +/- 2 mm Hg (4%, not significant) in the nitrendipine and hydrochlorothiazide groups, respectively.”
“Before treatment, mean BP decreased by 13 +/- 1 mm …%, p less than 0.001) 60 min after the glucose … nitrendipine group [n = 9, age 73 +/- 3 (SD) years] and by 9 +/- 2 (SEM) mm Hg (… than 0.01) in the hydrochlorothiazide group [n = 13, age 76 +/- 4 (SD) years].”
“We conclude that antihypertensive treatment with nitrendipine or hydrochlorothiazide improves BP homeostasis after an oral glucose loading.”