“Acute administration of morphine induced significant increases of gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA) content and L-glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) activity at the dorsal parts of the dorsal horn and surroundings of the central canal in the rat spinal cord, in which GABA inhibitory interneurons may play significant roles.”
“In the thalamus, morphine also induced significant increases of GABA content and GAD activity in the vicinity of the ventrolateral part of the ventral nucleus (VM), entopeduncular nucleus (EP), nucleus reuniens thalami (RE), nucleus parafascicularis thalami (PF) and interpeduncular nucleus (IP), respectively.”
“The present results suggest that morphine analgesia may involve mechanisms intensifying the inputs of GABA inhibitory neurons at the levels of the spinal cord and thalamus, where the primary and secondary neurons involved in the perception of pain are terminated respectively.”