“ IPP … ethanol 0.015%, 2.5 mM, equivalent to the decrease per hour in blood ethanol concentration due to metabolism, gave a significantly higher fractional expansion … T cells compared with IPP alone after 7 days (ratio 10.1+/−4.0, p<0.0008, n = 12) in patients with arthritis.”
“The augmented expansion of γδ T cells in SF is explained by a higher proliferation (p = 0.0034, n = 11) and an increased survival (p<0.005, n = 11) in SF cultures stimulated with IPP plus ethanol compared to IPP alone.”
“The synergistic effects of IPP and ethanol indicate a possible allosteric effect of ethanol.”
“We conclude that expansion of γδ T cells by combinatorial drug effects, possibly in fixed-dose combination, FDC, of ethanol in the presence of IPP might give a protective role in diseases such as arthritis.”