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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Ethanol and Glucagon



Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

Glucagon , which up-regulates urea synthesis, increased during alcohol infusion.
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research  •  2004  |  View Paper
Administration of alcohol induced a significant rise in plasma glucagon and cortisol uniformly across the entire menstrual cycle.
The American journal of clinical nutrition  •  1995  |  View Paper
The stimulatory effect of norepinephrine on the formation of cyclic AMP in slices of the cerebral cortex was significantly attenuated, whereas that of glucagon on hepatic adenylate cyclase activity was significantly increased following continuous administrations of ethanol.
Drug and alcohol dependence  •  1977  |  View Paper
CONCLUSIONS The ability of low-dose glucagon to treat mild hypoglycemia persisted with preceding ethanol intake, although it tended to be attenuated.
OBJECTIVE This study investigated whether preceding ethanol intake impairs glucose response to low-dose glucagon in individuals with type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes Care  •  2018  |  View Paper
glucagon … alcohol in women only (abstainers 9.2 ± 4.4; <28 g/week 8.6 ± 4.0; 28–64 g/week 8.1 ± 3.7; >64 … enhanced insulin sensitivity, reduced basal insulin secretion rate and lower fasting plasma glucagon concentration, providing consistent mechanisms for the reduced risk of diabetes.
Diabetologia  •  2012  |  View Paper
The glucose area under the curve in response to glucagon (glucoseAUC) was lower in the presence of EtOH than in its absence (14.9 ± 7 vs. 68 ± 15.6 mM/min, P < 0.01) in the obese nondiabetic subjects, which suggests a decrease in liver glycogen stores.
Diabetes  •  1994  |  View Paper
The decline in glucagon concentration normally seen after intravenous glucose administration was partially prevented by ethanol pretreatment.
Pancreas  •  1990  |  View Paper
Addition of glucagon 5 min after ethanol was found to stimulate the rate of ethanol oxidation in hepatocytes isolated from starved rats.
Experientia  •  2005  |  View Paper
At a high calcium concentration (8.8 mmol/l) the inhibitory effect of ethanol on insulin or glucagon secretions was diminished and variable.
Infusion of ethanol at increasing concentrations (15.8 to 252 mmol/l) caused a progressive inhibition of insulin (-17±1 to -69 ±2%) and glucagon (-13±3 to -67±3%) secretion, using a perfusate containing 200 mg/dl glucose and 2.65 mmol/l calcium.
Diabetologia  •  2004  |  View Paper
30% ethanol inhibited secretion of glucagon , insulin and aldosterone.
Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury  •  1997  |  View Paper
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