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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Ethanol and D-Serine





Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

Importantly, D-serine within the NAcore but not the dorsolateral striatum also selectively reduced aversion-resistant alcohol drinking.
In addition, D-serine inhibited EPSCs evoked at −70 mV in vitro by optogenetic stimulation of mPFC–NAcore terminals in alcohol-drinking rats, similar to reported effects of the NMDAR blocker AP5.
Systemic D-serine reduced aversion-resistant alcohol drinking , without altering consumption of quinine-free alcohol or saccharin with or without quinine.
…,D-serine also inhibits some NMDARs active at hyperpolarized potentials (HA-NMDARs), and we previously found that … accumbens core (NAcore) are critical for promoting compulsion-like alcohol drinking, where rats consume alcohol despite pairing with an aversive stimulus such as quinine, … compulsive aspects of human alcohol use disorders (AUDs).
Neuropsychopharmacology  •  2015  |  View Paper
d-serine (2.7 g/kg, ip) prolonged latency to a loss of righting reflex (LoRR) and shortened LoRR duration when given 15 min before ethanol (3 g/kg) but not when it was injected with or shortly after ethanol.
Alcohol  •  2012  |  View Paper