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“Molecular experiments in both human MDMs and mice macrophages revealed that increased PGE2 signaling increased sequestration of glucose into glycogen, that this involved glycogen synthase, and that in aged macrophages, glucose flux and availability were essential for oxidative phosphorylation.”
“Addition of D-glucose resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent (30 to 120 mM) increase in PGE2 production in HMC (24 h, 90 mM: 3.9+/-0.5 ng/10(5) cells versus 2.3+/-0.3 in untreated cells; P < 0.05).”
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN • 1998 | View Paper
“Acute insulin response (mean change 3-10 min) to iv glucose (0.33 g/kg) was decreased by 40% during the infusion of prostaglandin E2 (10 micrograms/min) and glucose disappearance rates were reduced (P less than 0.05).”
“At …/l glucose , exposure … prostaglandin E2 caused an increase in hyaluronan production [maximal at 10−9 mol/l prostaglandin E2, 237±19 vs 42±4, ng hyaluronan per … cores, p<0.001 (control) and 195±7 vs 103±5, ng hyaluronan per 250 glomerular cores, p<0.001 (diabetic)].”
“RESULTS In the perfused small intestine, PGE2 acutely increased absorption of glucose and galactose, but not fructose (which is not a substrate for SGLT1); in isolated enterocytes it stimulated 3-O-[14C]methylglucose uptake.”
“ PGE2 significantly stimulated the secretion of water and mucus, and the absorptions of glucose and fructose were inhibited 49.3 per cent and 31.1 per cent respectively at the highest dose.”