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“ RA inhibits the GPI-80 expression on DMSO induced HL-60 cells suggests that different signal conduction has been activated by DMSO and RA when they induce the HL-60 cells to the neutrophilic differentiation.”
“Among various inducers of cell differentiation, 1,25(OH)2D3 and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) caused the increase of the NBT-reducing ability and the suppression of ALP activity induced by rhG-CSF, while RA enhanced both of them.”
“Simultaneous treatment with RA and DMSO proved synergistic with respect to morphological maturation and several functions (e.g. NBT reduction), but complementary stimulation of other activities (e.g. chemotaxis, lysozyme content) could not be demonstrated.”
“In contrast to aggregates that were treated with dimethylsulfoxide , the specific activity of pyruvate kinase was reduced after aggregation in the presence of retinoic acid.”