“Furthermore, quercetin treatment significantly decreased metabolic ratios of Cmax and AUC0‐∞ suggesting that reduced formation of DIC to 4‐OHDIC.”
“In addition, geometric mean ratios and 90% confidence intervals for Cmax and AUC0‐∞ of DIC and 4‐OHDIC were both out of the no‐effect limits of 0.80–1.25, which indicates a significant pharmacokinetic interaction between quercetin and DIC.”
“The results suggest that quercetin might have inhibited CYP2C9‐mediated metabolism of DIC.”
“Treatment with quercetin significantly enhanced maximum plasma concentration (Cmax), area under the curve (AUC0‐∞), and half life, while significantly decreased elimination rate constant (kel) and apparent oral clearance (CL/F) of DIC compared with control.”