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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Collagenases and Polypeptides



Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

Like mammalian MBP, the polypeptides of the chicken lectin are degraded by treatment with collagenase.
Glycobiology  •  1995  |  View Paper
Activation of the latent enzyme ….~-~ A number of compounds influence collagenase synthesis in these cell~.… necrosis factor-a, polypeptide growth factors such as epidermal growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor, and phorbol esters … as transforming growth factor+ (TGF-P), glucocorticoid hormones, and vitamin A analogues (retinoids) suppress it.’”
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences  •  1994  |  View Paper
Metabolic labeling with [14C]proline and partial amino acid analysis of 17k protein demonstrated that the polypeptide contains relatively high amounts of proline and is also sensitive to degradation with bacterial collagenase.
Experimental hematology  •  1990  |  View Paper
With the exception of the 60-73 and 35-49 kDa bands all these polypeptides are sensitive to digestion with bacterial collagenase.
Hearing Research  •  1987  |  View Paper
Having molecular weights of 185,000 and 160,000, these polypeptides are sensitive to collagenase.
Cell differentiation  •  1982  |  View Paper