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“ Chymotrypsin cleaves the polypeptide chain of heart and muscle lactate dehydrogenase into two principal fragments and LDH subunits were protected by lipids towards the proteinase attack.”
“Recently, a new class of polypeptides , which inhibits proteolytic activities of kallikrein, plasmin, trypsin, and α-chymotrypsin , has been found in several snake venoms.”
“The four polypeptides that are lost during differentiation are also very sensitive to in vitro destruction by chymotrypsin or trypsin under conditions where globin and the three reticulocyte nonglobin peptides that remain during reticulocyte maturation are completely resistant.”
“ Chymotrypsin inactivated greater than 95% of the glycerol-P acyltransferase in intact vesicles and cleaved the 91,260-dalton polypeptide into several vesicle-bound and several released peptides, indicating that critical domains of the enzyme are accessible in intact vesicles.”