“However, piracetam alone markedly increased choline content in hippocampus (88%) and tended to decrease acetylcholine levels (19%).”
“In a second study, it was shown that twice the dose of piracetam (200 mg/kg) or choline (200 mg/kg) alone, still did not enhance retention nearly as well as when piracetam and choline (100 mg/kg of each) were administered together.”
“The combination of choline and piracetam did not potentiate the effects seen with either drug alone, and in certain cases the effects were much less pronounced under the drug combination.”
“The results … of combining choline … piracetam are quite different than those obtained with either drug alone and support the notion that in order to achieve substantial efficacy in … reduce multiple, interactive neurochemical dysfunctions in the brain, or affect activity in more than one parameter of a deficient metabolic pathway.”