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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Chloretone and Vitamin C


Vitamin C

Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

It will be noted that Chloretone within the first day exerts an effect on ascorbic acid excretion that reaches a peak by the third day and falls to a low value by the fifth day.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences  •  1961  |  View Paper
Vitamin C synthesis in rat liver is enhanced by several xenobiotics, including aminopyrine and chloretone.
Journal of Biological Chemistry  •  2003  |  View Paper
It is well known that the administration of chloretone , phenobarbital or methylcholanthrene induces an increase in the urinary excretion of ascorbic acid and they also induce an increase in the activities of drug-metabolizing enzyme of liver microsomes (1-3).
Japanese journal of pharmacology  •  1967  |  View Paper
Other types of compounds, such as chloretone , aminopyrine, meprobamate and phenylbutazone, also increase the urinary excretion of ascorbic acid in rats2,3.
Nature  •  1965  |  View Paper
The synthesis of ascorbic acid as reflected in the urinary excretion and tissue reserve of rats can be greatly stimulated by chloretone and completely suppressed by the simultaneous administration of ATP, malic acid, or thyroxine to the treated animals.
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics  •  1956  |  View Paper
Furthermore, the information would furnish a better understanding of the manner by which various organic compounds, particularly drugs such as Chloretone , paraldehyde, and barbiturates, markedly increase the urinary excretion of ascorbic acid (4).
The Journal of biological chemistry  •  1954  |  View Paper
… Chloretone’ , barbital, … L-ascorbic acid from glucose through the glucuronic acid pathway1–3 as follows: Evidence for this has come from the observations that these drugs markedly … that they stimulate the conversion of glucose-1-14C to labelled D-glucuronic acid, L-gulonic acid and L-ascorbic acid3–5.
Nature  •  1959  |  View Paper