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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Caffeine and Procaine





Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

The cell vacuolisation cannot be prevented by 3-methyadenine, brefeldine A, and cytochalasine D. On the other hand, nocodazole and caffeine prevent cytoplasm vacuolisation induced by procaine.
European journal of pharmacology  •  2003  |  View Paper
The source of this Ca2+ is tentatively identified as the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) for the following reasons: (1) prior exposure to 20mm caffeine depleted this Ca2+ store, (2) procaine (10mm) inhibited the response, and (3) the extracellular space or “clefts” and the mitochondria could be eliminated as possible sources.
The Journal of Membrane Biology  •  2005  |  View Paper
Lower concentrations of tetracaine (0.5mm) and procaine (⩽10mm) blocked contractions due to caffeine (at pCa ⩾6.73), sulphydryl oxidizing agents, or Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR).
Journal of Muscle Research & Cell Motility  •  2005  |  View Paper
The pretreatment of fibres with procaine prevents both the generation of caffeine contractures and the occurrence of changes in the ultrastructure.
Pflügers Archiv  •  2004  |  View Paper
The response to 25 mM caffeine was only moderately inhibited by 25 mM procaine , and almost completely abolished by 50 mM procaine and 100 microM ryanodine.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology  •  2001  |  View Paper
(45)Ca(2+) release induced by caffeine was completely inhibited by typical blockers of Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release, such as Mg(2+), ruthenium red, or procaine.
Molecular pharmacology  •  2000  |  View Paper
Procaine (1 mM) inhibited the transient contraction induced by caffeine (10 mM) in Ca2+-free Krebs solution.
European journal of pharmacology  •  1999  |  View Paper
Procaine , an antagonist of ryanodine receptor, selectively blocked the effect of caffeine but not the effect of InsP3.
Biochemical and biophysical research communications  •  1997  |  View Paper
On the other hand, procaine inhibited the responses to caffeine , but not those to IP3.
Yonsei medical journal  •  1996  |  View Paper
Surprisingly, procaine had only a minor effect on tension transients elicited by Cl− and caffeine together.
The Journal of Membrane Biology  •  1996  |  View Paper
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