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“When given with Q or SP, the effect of D was obscured by opposing inotropic properties; consequently, despite increasing SDC, measurable STIs were unchanged.”
Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics • 1982 | View Paper
“Thus, the replacement of glutamine by aspartic acid leads to the loss of adjuvant properties, and the replacement of L-alanine by its stereoisomer causes a perceptible decrease in these properties.”
Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility • 2017 | View Paper
“The dmu mutation restores ability to grow on D-methionine, partly restores D- and L-methionine transport activity, and makes the cells particularly sensitive to inhibition by L-glutamine while growing on D but not L-methionine.”
“Proline, citrulline, or low concentrations of glutamine singly, and in combinations synergistically, increase the amount of aspartic acid necessary for growth inhibition at various concentrations of glutamic acid.”
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics • 1955 | View Paper
“Using Lactobacillus casei, Feeney and Strong (10) demonstrated an inhibitory effect of aspartic acid , reversible by glutamine , glut.amic acid, or asparagine.”