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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Asparagine and Glucagon



Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

In primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes maintained in a salts/glucose medium, a more than 100-fold increase in ornithine decarboxylase (EC activity was caused by asparagine and glucagon in a synergistic manner.
The synthesis rate of ornithine decarboxylase was stimulated more than 20-fold by asparagine and glucagon together, but the amount of ornithine decarboxylase-mRNA was increased only 3-4-fold, indicating that translational stimulation was involved in the induction process.
The Journal of biological chemistry  •  1987  |  View Paper
Continuous intravenous infusion of glutamine (3 mmol/… estimated fetal weight) or glutamine and asparagine each at this rate for 2 h into … fetal sheep in utero significantly increased plasma glucagon (P less than 0.05) and insulin (P less than …) concentrations, although the effect on glucagon was not great.
The amino acids glycine, L-serine, L-asparagine and L-glutamine at 5 mmol/l each markedly increased glucagon release from perifused fetal lamb pancreas tissue, whereas the branched-chain amino acids L-leucine and L-valine had no effect.
Journal of developmental physiology  •  1982  |  View Paper
Glucagon directly stimulated the net hepatic uptake of alanine, glycine, glutamine, arginine, asparagine , threonine, serine, and lactate.
The American journal of physiology  •  1975  |  View Paper