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“Cox models multivariate analyses found cannabis on admission to predict shorter retention in LV (as younger age male and amphetamines ), and cannabis after one year in TA (as did cocaine and opiates after one year and BDZ on admission).”
“The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that consumption of amphetamine and/or cocaine in addition to cannabis would lead to an earlier age at onset of schizophrenia than that seen for cannabis consumption alone.”
The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry • 2013 | View Paper
“Here we review the association of alcohol, cannabis , stimulants, and other drugs with psychosis, and we conclude that the use of cannabis and the amphetamines significantly contributes to the risk of psychosis.”
Annual review of clinical psychology • 2010 | View Paper
“ Marijuana is commonly adulterated with other substances, such as narcotic analgesics, cocaine, catecholamines, amphetamine congeners , phencyclidine, and others.”
“Cannabis and amphetamine users made significantly higher estimates of cannabis use among students than did nonusers, whereas amphetamine users gave significantly higher estimates of amphetamine use than nonusers and cannabis-only users.”
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors • 2000 | View Paper
“In conclusion, our findings show that the distribution of psychotic illness is high among abusers of amphetamine and cannabis , in contrast to the generally lower co-morbidity among abusers of opiates.”
European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists • 1999 | View Paper
“The percentage of cannabis use was higher among the older age groups of respondents; the study also showed that the lower the age at first cannabis use the higher the risk of continuing and becoming involved with more dangerous drugs such as cocaine, heroin and amphetamines.”
“The rates of alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking and the use of heroin, amphetamines , cocaine, sleeping pills and tranquillizers were significantly higher among cannabis users than among respondents who were not using cannabis.”
“Since drug users occasionally combine marijuana and amphetamines , a study was performed to determine whether the two drugs have an interaction effect on a variety of physiologic and psychological measures.”
The American journal of psychiatry • 1973 | View Paper
“Although pretreatment with marijuana extract 1 hr before injection of amphetamine resulted in a marked depression of the amphetamine response, when both drugs were administered at the same time only a small and non-significant decrement in the amphetamine response was observed.”