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Discover Supplement-Drug Interactions

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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Amphetamine and Halothane



Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

The lower BP in khat chewers, despite similar end-tidal concentrations of isoflurane and lower doses of alfentanil, may be related … of catecholamine receptor storage, a mechanism that has been suspected in chronic amphetamine abuse.1 Furthermore, Johnston et al5 demonstrated that amphetamine decreased the … concentration of halothane in …%.
Anesthesia and analgesia  •  2017  |  View Paper
In this in vitro experiment, halothane decreased the fractional release of DA in a concentration-dependent manner and attenuated the increase of impulse-dependent DA release when amphetamine or nomifensine administration was combined with electrical stimulation.
Brain Research Bulletin  •  2001  |  View Paper