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Last Updated: 3 years ago

Possible Interaction: Amphetamine and Atropine



Research Papers that Mention the Interaction

While equimolar doses of methyl atropine failed to completely reproduce the effects of atropine … in an avoidance task, Carlton was apparently puzzled by the finding that "MeA, like atropine , augmented the … of amphetamine and that it produced an atropine-like slowing … the EEG" (Carlton and Didamo 1961, p 586).
Psychopharmacology  •  2005  |  View Paper
Atropine induced sniffing and increased the response of both amphetamine and nicotine.
European Neuropsychopharmacology  •  2000  |  View Paper
It was found that the increase in CoBF induced by amphetamine is blocked by atropine or chlorpromazine.
Experientia  •  2005  |  View Paper
Doses of atropine , Tremorine, eserine, and 4-(1-naphthylvinyl)-pyridine (NVP), an inhibitor of the enzyme choline acetylase, which were ineffective in themselves, markedly affected the increase in rate observed after amphetamine.
Psychopharmacologia  •  2004  |  View Paper
Atropine potentiated the effect of pre-trial amphetamine on performance during the first-day session, but it partly antagonised that of post-trial amphetamine on retention.
Thus, amphetamine was considered to have a dual effect on behaviour: on one hand, an enhancing effect on pseudoconditioning, which could be potentiated by atrophie; on the other, another stimulant action on memory consolidation, which was counteracted by atropine.
Psychopharmacologia  •  2004  |  View Paper
Unlike pilocarpine, atropine (10 mg/kg intraperitoneally significantly increases the intensity of the circling behaviour induced by amphetamine and also to some extent that induced by apomorphine.
Acta pharmacologica et toxicologica  •  1981  |  View Paper
Although each treatment increased heart rate significantly during the resting state, only the amphetamine plus atropine treatment increased heart rate significantly during exercise.
Fewer ectopic beats were found when atropine was used with amphetamine.
Canadian journal of comparative medicine : Revue canadienne de medecine comparee  •  1972  |  View Paper
4 The effect of atropine and arecoline on the duration of EADs, previously described, were not modified by the α‐adrenoceptor blocking drugs, but atropine prevented and reversed the inhibitory action of amphetamine.
British journal of pharmacology  •  1971  |  View Paper
The fall in blood pressure produced by atropine after amphetamine might be due to weak alpha-adrenoceptor blockade.
British journal of pharmacology  •  1969  |  View Paper
Doses of atropine , ineffective in themselves, markedly augmented the increases in rate observed after amphetamine as well as the duration of these increases.
The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics  •  1961  |  View Paper