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“ Albumin , which reduces PGE2 bioavailability, was decreased in the serum of patients with acute decompensation or ESLD (<30 mg/dl) and appears to have a role in modulating PGE2-mediated immune dysfunction.”
“ Albumin , which reduces PGE2 bioavailability, was decreased in the serum of patients with acute decompensation or ESLD (<30 mg/dl) and appears to have a role in modulating PGE2-mediated immune dysfunction.”
“Addition of albumin or GTP to the incubation medium enhanced the specific binding of PGE2 by decreasing the dissociation constant of the low affinity-high capacity binding sites.”
“ Albumin also increased the affinity of PGE2 binding to native canine renal medullary membranes and enhanced the binding of PGE2 to prostaglandin receptors solubilized from these membranes.”
“Pretreatment of the adipocyte membranes with the alkylating agent NEM completely abolished the enhancement of PGE2 binding by GTP, while the enhancement of PGE2 binding by albumin was only partially inhibited.”
Second messengers and phosphoproteins • 1988 | View Paper
“The addition of albumin to a suspension of plasma membranes isolated from rat epididymal fat cells increases both the initial binding rate and the maximal specific binding of prostaglandin E2 to these membranes.”