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“Transfer of response control was observed between the d- and l-isomers , and between para-hydroxyamphetamine and saline in rats trained to utilize d- or l-amphetamine versus saline as cues.”
“Interpretation of these data was complicated by the additional findings that … to NMDA receptors) also disrupted alternation performance, and that both the D- … L-isomers of AP5 as well as each kinase inhibitor dramatically disrupted evoked responses (…), as recorded in the dentate gyrus and evoked by perforant path stimulation.”
“Furthermore, when d- and l-isomers are compared on the basis of potency in causing the serotonin behavioral syndrome, the d form is between two and three times more potent than the l-isomer.”
“In cells cultured in the presence of d-serine , the amounts of alanine , diaminopimelic acid, and glycine inserted into the cell wall mucopeptide were reduced, and serine was increased.”