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Discover Supplement-Drug Interactions

Search our AI curated corpus of 2,044 supplements, 2,866 drugs and 59,096 interactions and explore the related research. Our work is not influenced by third parties. Supp.AI is a free service of the non-profit Allen Institute for AI.

Disclaimer: The information contained herein should NOT be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. The tool is not a substitute for the care provided… (more)


Last Updated: 3 years ago
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Dietary and herbal supplements are popular but unregulated. Supplements can interact or interfere with the action of prescription or over-the-counter medications. Currently, it is difficult to find accurate and timely scientific evidence for these interactions.

To solve this problem, Supp.AI automatically extracts evidence of supplement and drug interactions from the scientific literature and presents them here.

To find out more about this work, please read our publication.

Data & API

Our dataset is public and available for download here (38.4Mb). An API is also available here for automated data access.


SUPP.AI is developed by the following team: